About Us

The story of GNMArts begins with the idea of providing the best in home decoration, curtains, sofa, and tapestry. It is an inherited passion rather than just a revenue-generating business. While growing up watching how to produce fabrics and colors, the knowledge and experience of color schemes are limitless.

We dig into your imagination and make them come true. Using our inherited knowledge of fabrics and colors, we create not just the interior but construct an idea from your thoughts.

Designing and color matching is our special emphasis and we use our innovative ideas to weave a whole story from fabrics. This gives you a unique and state-of-the-art interior for your place.

Based in China, our business aspires to serve both the Chinese and global markets equally. To meet our aspirations, we source fabric from different countries. Every interior is, therefore, a combination of different arts and cultures thoughtfully put together. GNMArts is proud to own a team of enthusiasts and aesthetes who share the same passion and knowledge of fabric furnishing. This not only complements our vision of innovation but also keep the designing spirits alive.